Channeling Videos
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iEvolv Channeling 109 – Inversion and the Non-physical
The cabal of Darkness has a philosophical fondness for inversion and it even extends to inverting your Divine Purpose - a synthetic facsimile of...
iEvolv Channeling 108 – The Duality of Now
There is more than one now. But how? Why? What is its significance? Discover how authenticity is linked to the now, what true authenticity is and...
iEvolv Channeling 107 – Darkness & the Inversion of Reality
The Darkness is an inversion of the Light and manifests in our reality in a similar way, which makes it predictable. With the understanding...
iEvolv Channeling 106 – Who’s at the apex of the empire of Darkness?
As discussed in previous channels, Earth's humanity has been turned into a resource by off-world opportunists. But who controls the opportunists? In...
iEvolv Channeling 105 – Who are dolphins & do they play a role in Ascension?
Dolphins have long been considered a mystical animal with mystical abilities. So I ask in this channel who are they, why are they here and what role...
iEvolv Channeling 103 – Using power of ancestors to win freedom
We live in a very unique time, a fork in the road of human evolution. One way leads to a future of Darkness and oppression for all time as slaves of...
iEvolv Channeling 101 – Speaking with member of federation we’ll join
This channel is out of sequence and probably should be number '35' or something. I have a folder of channels that I've never shared because they're...
iEvolv Channeling 100 – How to use the current Darkness for your own Awakening
Its early August 2021 and things are getting nuts with increasing regulation, stripping of liberties and the feeling we're being frog-marched to a...
iEvolv Channeling 99 – Why do Dark beings need Darkness harvested from others?
In my channels, guides have repeatedly said that humanity has been turned into a resource by off-world opportunists. They've elaborated further to...
iEvolv Channeling 98 – Brother asks for channel about his chronic back pain
My brother has had consistent back pain for a few months and nothing is getting relief so he asked for a channel to understand the root cause. He...
iEvolv Channeling 97 – Negativity vs Evil
I did this channel because I was stuck in the book I'm writing. I had written about the true nature of Darkness, evil etc but knew I was slightly...
iEvolv Channeling 96 – What is Earth’s relationship to Saturn?
Saturn symbolism is saturated throughout our culture, although unless you've researched what symbols are used, then like me you probably never even...
iEvolv Channeling 95 – Beings of Darkness & the evolution of our Solar System
In previous channels my guides have spoken of beings of Darkness that infiltrated our Solar System and have been interfering when they can with the...
iEvolv Channeling 94 – What role will the Sun play in our Ascension?
Another 'out there' channel. Here I ask for information about the role the Sun will play in our Ascension.
iEvolv Channeling 93 – How to write profoundly?
I' was writing a book at the time of this channel and wanted some insight on how to write most profoundly to my capacity by drawing on my highest...
iEvolv Channeling 92 – How to navigate the upcoming financial crisis?
All indicators point to an upcoming financial crisis, so in this channel I ask for guidance on how we can navigate the difficulties when they come....
iEvolv Channeling 91 – How to heal illness?
If we manifest our own reality then it implies we also manifest our own illness. So how can we heal ourselves and manifest a reality of perfect...
iEvolv Channeling 90 – How to do insightful (psychic) readings for others?
I'm increasingly doing readings for other people and wish do offer the highest service and value I can so in this channel I ask for advice and...
iEvolv Channeling 89 – How to assist people still asleep to see the lies of the mainstream?
If you're watching this then I'm going to assume you have already Awakened enough to see the cultural pillars, particularly media and govt, lie to...
iEvolv Channeling 88 – How to use dreams?
Dreams seem to be a means of growth, communication, relevance but our societies include no education on understanding and using them. So I ask the...
iEvolv Channeling 87 – How to navigate the jab push?
There is increasing pressure to get the jab despite growing evidence it may be at best partially effective and at worst lethal. So how do we keep...
iEvolv Channeling 86 – Guidance on integrating your Ayahuasca experience
I had an Ayahuasca experience (3 sessions) and days after did this channel to ask how I integrate the surreal and intense experience.
iEvolv Channeling 85 – How to have peace in your life
Life can get crazy sometimes and this is no more true than the moment in history we find ourselves now. More than ever being able to find your peace...
iEvolv Channeling 84 – Ayahuasca and guiding entities
I did this channel before my first Ayahuasca experience. Channeling on something which is so different from any version of reality you have ever...
iEvolv Channeling 83 – Update on the Awakening of Humanity (Feb 2021)
Humanity is Awakening and the process is in a state of acceleration. Here I ask my guides for an update on where we're at now (Feb 2021).
iEvolv Channeling 82 – What intention should I have for my Ayahuasca experience?
Before my Ayahuasca experience my brother and I were discussing what intention we should have for the experience so I channeled on it. Now that I...
iEvolv Channeling 81 – Who am I channeling?
I finally asked the question: "who am I channeling?" My guides provide an interesting answer of who they are, what my relationship is to them, why...
iEvolv Channeling 80 – The Rise of Wisdom
Humanity is changing and one of the most profound changes is the rise of wisdom in all of of us. So I asked what does this mean, how is it...
iEvolv Channeling 79 – You’re Not the Darkness!
The journey thhrough 3rd density is an ongoing revelation of what you are by discovering what you are not and letting it go.
iEvolv Channeling 78 – Collapse of the False-Matrix
For generations we have been trapped in a false matrix constructed via the cultural pillars, which have annexed by those who perceive us as lesser...
iEvolv Channeling 77 – What is the process of re-incarnation?
Here I ask for details on re-incarnation, how it works and what relevance it has to the lives we are currently living.
iEvolv Channeling 76 – Why a goal of your life should be to die before your death
Dying before your death is the revelation of who you truly are and the death of the false identity you mistakenly perceived as you.
iEvolv Channeling 75 – How can the Earth assist with our Ascension?
If we are to Ascend, then is their a role the Earth will play in this? Can we use our relationship with the Earth to assist? Does the Earth have a...
iEvolv Channeling 74 – Why is communism a popular idea among some groups?
Communism has a poor track record and yet many people in western country that enjoy freedoms not found in communist countries still chant for it to...
iEvolv Channeling 73 – How do we integrate into nature?
We are nature and so the same energetic nourishment it offers the birds and the trees it also offers to us.
iEvolv Channeling 72 – What will happen to humanity in the 2020s?
Its clear to everyone with even the slightest awareness that something dramatic is taking place on our planet and to humanity.
iEvolv Channeling 71 – What is the rainbow body & its relationship to the solar flash?
In my channels some ideas develop over time because I can only translate to the a level which is commensurate with my own understanding. This...
iEvolv Channeling 69 – Channeling the Sun Being
When channeling often, one of the challenges becomes developing questions to ask, so eventually the questions are inevitably going to become more...
iEvolv Channeling 68 – Channel a parallel version of myself #2
I once asked my guides if I can receive information from alternate versions of myself, meaning ideas and flashes of inspiration but to my surprise...
iEvolv Channeling 67 – Are we only 3D or multidimensional?
In this channel my guides talk about the nature of our existence and our relationship to other dimensions. ...
iEvolv Channeling 66 – How will the solar flash and transition to 5D occur?
Appararently there will be a solar flash which will trigger humanity's transition to 4th density (5D). But how will this occur, what will be the...
iEvolv Channeling 65 – What is the relationship between health and spirituality?
Ever noticed very spiritual people also seem to be healthy, slim and defy normal aging expectations? There seems to be a link.
iEvolv Channeling 64 – What is Humanity accelerating towards?
Humanity is cearly undergoing massive changes. There is a rising of something and it feels like its accelerating. But what is it we're racing...
iEvolv Channeling 63 – My dead father describes his dying experience
I channeled my father once before and he invited me to do it again if I wish. So this time I asked him to explain what the dying experience was like...
iEvolv Channeling 62 – How can we increase our intuition?
In this channel my guides explain what intuition really is and give advice on how it can be increased through understanding of who you actually are....
iEvolv Channeling 61 – How can you use aging to increase your Awakening and still feel attractive?
We all age and become less attractive.....but do we really? As we age is it possible to become more beautiful in other ways? How can we see our...
iEvolv Channeling 60 – How US 2020 presidential election relates to Humanity’s Awakening
The 2020 presidential elections and everything that has followed has provided a rich medium of experience for Humanity's Awakening. But exactly how...
iEvolv Channeling 59 – Understanding the 2020 post US election chaos
Recorded 20/11/05 - In the immediate days after the 2020 US election there was scandal and chaos so I channeled to get some insight. ...
iEvolv Channeling 58 – What to do when someone is being dishonest with you?
When you suspect someone is being dishonest with you, what is the best way to handle the situation? Here my guides provide some insight precisely at...
iEvolv Channeling 57 – Should we consume mainstream news?
Mainstream news is developing a reputation which isn't good for its brand. But is it justified? Should we watch mainstream news If we do, with what...
iEvolv Channeling 56 – How to deal with chronic pain?
Have you ever had a niggling pain that won't go away and it really begins wearing you down? Personally I've been living with a ruptured disc and it...
iEvolv Channeling 55 – Can you channel the deceased?
Is it possible to channel people that have lived and died? If yes, then how it is possible and how is it done? In this channel my guides offer some...
iEvolv Channeling 54 – How can you release hurts from the past and move on?
Unless you've had a sheltered life or lived in full mastery, then you've experienced hurts in the past from relationships and betrayals and so on....
iEvolv Channeling 53 – How to still be free when life is oppressive?
Often we find ourselves in life circumstances that we'd never consciously choose for ourselves, where we feel oppressed and diminished, stressed and...
iEvolv Channeling 52 – How to cope with fear?
We live in a global society that has fear at its foundation. Not a natural fear but a fear which is deliberately stoked by those that seek to...
iEvolv Channeling 51 – What is the relationship & balance between masculine and feminine?
Here my guides talk about the a time on Earth when societies were lead by women and how it transitioned to a masculine lead society. Further they...
iEvolv Channeling 50 – What are the chakras & how can we utilize them?
When I began this channeling I immediately regretted that I did no preliminary research because it is a well established field of study and now here...
iEvolv Channeling 49 – What’s going to happen in the Ascension?
Here I channel information about what actually happens in Ascension.
iEvolv Channeling 48 – Should you be worried about 5G technology?
This is a channel about 5G and specifically if its something we should worry about as we move forward in the midst of these changes.
iEvolv Channeling 47 – Is it possible to shift to other dimensions & parallel universes?
Here my guides discuss the dynamics of parallel universes and higher dimensions in the context of moving your consciousness through them.
iEvolv Channeling 46 – A mindset for dealing with the pain of Awakening
Here my guides answer the question of whether its necessary to take on the pain of others resulting from the Awakening to help them more easily cope...
iEvolv Channeling 45 – How to ground your child to the Earth
Here my guides describe the importance of parents and their child's connection (grounding) to the Earth and how a parent can do it skillfully and...
iEvolv Channeling 44 – Personal channel for my brother about his book
My brother has a book to write and asked if my guides had some advice on getting it done.
iEvolv Channeling 43 – How is my brother contributing to 5D Awakening?
My brother is a leader trainer and one-on-one therapist for creating life breakthroughs. He asked me to channel on the value if his work and its...
iEvolv Channeling 42 – What’s 5th dimension like (4th density)
I have greater clarity now on densities and dimensions than I did when this was channeled so if doing it again I would instead ask about the 4th...
iEvolv Channeling 41 – How to get spiritual growth from marijuana use
Marijuana is an amazing plant that seems to have been created specifically for humanity because of the many ways it can serve us (many more than...
iEvolv Channeling 40 – Is ayahuasca a good idea?
My brother (and I were) were preparing for an ayahuasca experience and he asked for me to channel on whether it is a good idea. We did 3 ceremonies...
iEvolv Channeling 39 – What are the Akashic records and how do we use them?
The Akashic records are something we have heard about but, at least for me, didn't fully understand what they are and how we use them. In this...
iEvolv Channeling 38 – How to communicate with nature
In this channel I ask about communing with nature and drawing from it energy for making life easier and well... more energized.
iEvolv Channeling 37 – An experiment in conscious (eyes open) channeling
I've been encouraged by my guides to practice conscious channeling (eyes open) so when I'm channeling it would appear I'm just talking. I gave it a...
iEvolv Channeling 36 – Channeling my parallel self (alternate universe)
In this channel I was simply asking if its possible to get advice from other versions of yourself because apparently in the infinite multiverse...
iEvolv Channeling 35 – How to feel better again after experiencing conflict
Prior to this channel I had an altercation with some people from my neighborhood, despite doing what I thought was a good deed. I was annoyed and...
iEvolv Channeling 34 – How to manifest using the geometric substructure of reality
In many of my channels now my guides have used the term "geometry" when explaining manifestation but its never been entirely clear to me what that...
iEvolv Channeling 33 – How to create change in your life
When I made this I was at a crossroads because I had begun the journey of channeling but after many videos recorded I was still not sharing them...
iEvolv Channeling 32 – Inner Earth beings explain their relationship with humanity
In this channel I connect with inner Earth beings and they explain how long they've been here, why their here and what their role is in our...
iEvolv Channeling 31 – How does consciousness effect the passing of time?
I've channeled beings that state their very old so I was curious to know if they experience the passing of time the same way we do because it seems...
iEvolv Channeling 30 – Channeling ancient Earth elders
I have received information there is a council of ancient Earth humans that are higher density beings who chose to be incarnated on Earth to play a...
iEvolv Channeling 29 – How to channel talent
There are some people in the world that seem to be channeling talent. They can pick up a guitar or a paint brush as a novice and create beauty like...
iEvolv Channeling 28 – Practices for manifesting abundance
In an earlier channel my guides explained to me some of the principles of abundance and then in this channel they provide actual practices to...
iEvolv Channeling 27 – How to be more authentic
Being more authentic is something which can be done via understanding and practice of what you actually are the relationship you share between your...
iEvolv Channeling 26 – How to manifest material abundance
How can we use the physical matrix and our spiritual nature to manifest abundance? What is the mechanism which operates the phenomenon of...
iEvolv Channeling 25 – Guidance on coping with decreased income
At the time I made this channel I had already lost my business to the pandemic shutdown and new income cuts were imminent so I asked for guidance on...
iEvolv Channeling 24 – Individual as a singularity
In a previous channel my guides mentioned the concept of "the individual as a singularity", so in this channel I ask for clarification on what that...
iEvolv Channeling 23 – The 2nd coming of Jesus
It is foretold that Jesus will return, but how will this happen? In what way will we experience the presence of Christ again? In this recording I...
iEvolv Channeling 22 – How to get the job you want (version 2)
I don't remember why but I did this channel again. The gap between recording and uploading is several months so I don't recall the reason but its...
iEvolv Channeling 21 – How to escape depression?
Most of us at some point in our lives have dealt with depression. How do we escape it? How can we be happy again? What realization about ourselves...
iEvolv Channeling 20 – How to get the job you want
How can you use your state of being and mental focus to get the job you want?
iEvolv Channeling 19 – What do I do if my partner is always angry?
How do I cope if my partner has anger issues? Do I leave them? Do I stay? Is it my fault? What responsibility do I have? What responsibility do they...
iEvolv Channeling 18 – What do I do when my kids are out of control?
Is my child's behavior related to my state of being? How can I heal my child by healing myself? ...
iEvolv Channeling 17 – Will Humanity Ascend?
If there is to be an Ascension, are we guaranteed to be included? How is it decided? Who Ascends and who doesn't? Why? ...
iEvolv Channeling 16 – How do I become more patient?
Life can move too slow from time to time and people & situations challenge our cool. So how do we live in peace when our lives aren't responding...
iEvolv Channeling 15 – How do I find true love?
Many of us wish for true love but if our historical record is anything to go by, we don't know what we're doing. So how can we attract the person...
iEvolv Channeling 14 – How can you become wiser?
Wisdom is a super power. Life and all that it entails is easier and more joyful when lived from a deep source of wisdom. But how do we access the...
iEvolv Channeling 13 – a channel I did for my older brother
My brother sometimes asks me to do a channeling for him when he's confronted with different issues and decisions, this is one of those. He gave his...
iEvolv Channeling 12 – How to be more confident?
Where does confidence come from? What is true confidence? How can I be confident in a way which is real and authentic? Discover the profound truth...
iEvolv Channeling 11 – How do I cope with disappointment?
Sometimes life doesn't give us what we hoped for and the disappointment can be devastating. How do we live wisely in these moments and rise above to...
iEvolv Channeling 10 – How do I forgive the unforgivable?
All of us has been wronged in a way in our lives that we struggle to move beyond. Is it right to hang on to the slight? Or if we should let it go,...
iEvolv Channeling 9 – How can I stop thinking so much?
Sometimes our minds are our own worst enemy. You want peace but your mind just won't shut up. It never stops with its incessant noise, thinking...
iEvolv Channeling 8 – Channeling my estranged father almost 20yrs after his death
I loved my father but he wasn't really in my life after the age of 3 except school holidays. We never formed the close friendship I hoped for and I...
iEvolv Channeling 7 – How do I give up substance abuse?
In my earlier life I was alcoholic and a chronic user of marijuana. Nowadays I would still have the inclination to use too much substance if I...
iEvolv Channeling 6 – How to deal with friends/family when differing political beliefs
Everything is so political nowadays, deliberately. So we inevitably have to deal with the situation of communicating with friends and family that...
iEvolv Channeling 5 – How to cope when life isn’t going well
Sometimes life sucks, things aren't going the way we want and it becomes a struggle to continue. How do we cope when life becomes like this? What is...
iEvolv Channeling 4 – How to be more productive
If we are struggling being productive, does this tell us something about how aligned our task is to purpose? How to I discipline myself to waste my...
iEvolv Channeling 3 – How to channel
How is channeling actually done? What internal state is required? How do I make a connection? When a connection is made what are the actual dynamics...
iEvolv Channeling 2 – How to deal with medical tyranny
The world is changing and pressure is increasing. How do we maintain our sovereignty and human rights in the face of medical tyranny? How do we know...
iEvolv Channeling 1 – How to be more creative
This was my first ever recorded channel, when I had substandard equipment and had no real plan to ever share (I had about 110 recorded channels...